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Hair color and style: A light pink just like cotton candy and just as soft. Hobbies: Swimming and comic book collecting.īody type: Very thin, not much muscle there, petite. He's rather naive at times, which can get him into trouble. Sweet and very kind boy who often puts people before himself. It won't slow him down in any way to remain a He isn't bullied much but whenever he is, itĬan get rather severer. General personality: Tommy is very shy and quiet, often getting too nervous toĮven raise his hand during class. Member of the swim team and highly devoted. His mother walked out on his father to her new husband not long after Meeting or he's just lazing about the house.įamily Background: Tommy grew up with just his loving father who will do anythingįor his two sons, both of which are complete opposites and seem to hate each Hair color and style: Short and messy, his hair is a deep brown.Ĭlothing style: Usual plain tee shirt and shorts. Body type: Fit, average, larger at the hips.

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